How to Reduce Cellulite

Despite social media and airbrushed ads leaving us to believe that it is for the minority – cellulite is one of those scourges that is incredibly common. Around 80% to 90% of all women who have passed puberty have cellulite while only less than 10% of men have it.

Cellulite is a harmless skin condition that usually appears on the thighs, stomach and buttocks. Cellulite makes the surface of the skin appear puckered, lumpy and/or dimpled and is often described as having a skin texture that looks like cottage cheese or orange peel.

Several lifestyle changes and treatment options may help you get rid of cellulite. Unfortunately, there is a wealth of misinformation out there about cellulite leading many of us to fail to tackle this problem effectively. So let’s first look at some of the most common myths about cellulite.

Common Myths about Cellulite

●       Cellulite is just excess fat: Cellulite does contain fat, but fat is not solely responsible for cellulite. Connective fibres are present in the body that connect the muscles to the skin. When fat accumulates between the layers of connective fibres, the fat pushes the skin upward while the connective fibres draw the skin downward. This results in fat pockets, due to which the skin looks dimpled, eventually leading to cellulite.

●       Only overweight people have cellulite: Cellulite is quite a common skin condition but it is not restricted to only individuals who are overweight. In fact, people of all shapes, sizes, colours, including thin individuals can have cellulite.

●       Men can’t have cellulite: While way more women than men (90% vs. 10%) have cellulite, this skin condition is not just limited to females. Men can have cellulite too. In males, cellulite can occur on the upper thighs as well as on the abdomen, upper arms, and even other areas of the body. 

●       Topical creams help decrease cellulite: Some topical creams, ointments and gels may help keep the skin hydrated and smooth the appearance of the skin temporarily but they are not helpful in addressing the structural issues that cause cellulite-specific dimples and lumps alone.

●       Supportive clothing can reduce cellulite: Compressive garments, such as those made of heavy nylon, might reduce the appearance of cellulite briefly. However, once the garment is removed, the cellulite will appear again unchanged.

Thankfully, a few lifestyle changes are known to decrease cellulite and you too can take advantage of them. Let’s learn about them.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Cellulite

●       Exercise: Being physically active helps boost the blood flow and tightens the skin, which may assist in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

●       Body Fat Reduction: Cellulite is largely fat deposits beneath the skin. While it doesn’t pose any risk to the health of a person, many women find it unsightly. Following natural ways to reduce the amount of excess body fat is known to help reduce cellulite.

●       Hydration: Hydrating the skin makes it appear plump and healthy. Keeping yourself hydrated can help the cellulite to become less noticeable. 

●       Nutrient-Rich Diet: Making healthy changes to your diet has myriad benefits. A balanced diet, which is rich in nutrients, will enable your body to function properly. This, in turn, will promote the production of collagen fibres and cell regeneration.

●       Dry Brushing: This widely popular technique is not backed by science, but many people have claimed that the technique worked for them. It is said that dry brushing reduces cellulite as it stimulates circulation to the surface of the skin while enhancing lymph flow.

While these lifestyle changes may help you reduce cellulite, there are some very effective cellulite treatment options available that address this skin condition quite well. At Rainforest Spa, we offer one such cellulite treatment that is non-surgical and showcases a combination of two ground-breaking technologies. Let’s explore it in detail!


Cellulite Treatment at Rainforest Spa

Rainforest Spa offers non-invasive cellulite treatment that delivers phenomenal results. It is a perfect option for those who are unwilling to go under the knife.

For the removal of cellulite, we use a highly effective combo of two advanced devices, viz., Lipocontrast and 3D Lipo. Besides reducing the appearance of cellulite, the treatment evens the skin in the treated part of the skin, without causing any harm to the surrounding cells and tissues, including the blood vessels and nerves.

●       Cavitation (Non-Invasive Body Contouring with Ultrasound): Also known as Ultrasonic Cavitation, this therapy utilises ultrasound waves to vibrate the accumulated fat beneath the epidermis, which is the skin’s outermost layer. Due to the vibration, the fat cells break down instantly and get removed from the skin’s inner layers. The patient’s lymphatic system then absorbs these broken-down fat cells to finally eliminate them from the body as waste.

● Vacuum-assisted Lypmhaptic Massage: The procedure utilises a vacuum system to diminish the appearance of cellulite by enhancing lymphatic drainage and blood circulation that helps expel excess fluids and waste out of the body.

The Rainforest Spa Cellulite Treatment has zero downtime and a client can get back to his/her daily routine immediately with no post-treatment pain or discomfort. 

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