How To Stay Emotionally Well in Difficult Times

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At Rainforest Spa, your wellness is our priority.

In these uncertain times, emotions are running high for all of us so now is the time to prioritize not only your physical wellness but your emotional wellness for you and for those around you. Along with practicing the well circulated health advice - here are some measures that will help 'maintain the mind' in these taxing times.

1. BE PRACTICAL We are all in the same boat and going to pull together as a community in a difficult situation. Take some solace that work / childcare and other worries are communal to us all but will settle over the coming days. Express emotions to your friends to lighten the load.

2. TONE The Tanaiste Simon Coveney has appealed for all of us to be mindful of the language and tone we are using to not perpetuate a sense of panic. This is especially important if you have little people at home to help keep a balanced outlook and not instill fear in their minds.

3. MANAGE STRESS Manage stress in practical ways. We all have our own methods of stress reduction so now is the time to prioritze them. Whether it be 10 mins of Meditation or mindful breathing daily / taking a bath / a fresh walk or reading - any positive distraction will help lower cortisol levels.

4. IMMUNE BOOSTERS Take supplements (especially Vit C) along with adding immune boosting foods to your household diet such as: blueberries; ginger; garlic; tumeric; brocolli; spinach sweet potatoes and yay, dark chocolate. Each probiotic rich foods (natural yoghurt) or take probiotic supplements.

5. PHYSICAL HEALTH Make time for physical activity as this has a huge role to play in maintaining emotional health. Move daily; drink lots of water and try to get ample sleep - attempting to put the phone away at least an hour before bed.

6. NEGATIVE NEWS DETOX It is important to stay informed but also important to give your mind a rest from bad news. Choose times of the day to tune into updates and also actively choose periods where the phone alerts and news are silenced.

7. POSITIVE OUTLOOK Focus on the good. In any situation there is always good to be found. Maybe our houses will all be exceptionally tidy in two weeks time!

Stay well and calm, The Rainforest Team.

Any questions? We are still available to LiveChat 7 days a week on our website or call 012748080.

Photo: @yogawitcara