5 Apps To Upgrade Your Life

In theory, we should all go tech-free in the interest of wellness right? In reality, that’s not going to happen so we’re putting tech to work for us - not against us. We’ve collated a list of the top 5 tried-and-tested apps that will seriously upgrade your life.


1.      OFFTIME – Digital detox app

Shh…do you hear that? No? Good. This app is the equivalent of airplane mode on your phone – but you allow select contacts to reach you and also choose what apps to run for your ‘offtime’.

This app will even, if you want it to, automatically send anyone trying to contact you during your Offtime that “Hey I’m currently off the grid, I’ll receive your message at 4pm.” You can tailor the messages too or choose not to send them.

When you want to focus on something you can allow, say, your partner and your kids' school (just in case) to call or text and block all ‘distraction apps’ like Whatsapp; Instagram and Facebook. The beauty is you decide what you use on your phone based on what you’re doing. (Free with in-app purchases.)


1.      SEVEN – The Seven Minute Workout App by Perigee

As all working mum with kids can attest, free time to go to the gym is usually just out of reach - happens sometimes but not enough to rely on to actually get fit or lose weight. So instead of excuses that we have ‘no time’, last year we downloaded the Seven App and have been using it everywhere and anywhere ever since. 

If you haven’t heard of the 7 Minute Workout before, listen up. Is a seven minute workout too good to be true? Research shows less is more when it comes to consistent exercise. This theory is backed up by sports science. A study published by the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that participants had a lower BMI and smaller waistline after doing just one a seven-minute workout every morning for 60 days.

But from experience if you want to see more dramatic results, do the 7 minutes three times in a row – 3-4 times per week or more if you can. It’s actually really easy and over in a flash. Bonus: you can watch Peaky Blinders while you’re doing it. (Free trial - 9.99 per month thereafter.)


1.      TODOIST – Errand list app

This is another app we’ve been using for more than a year and we get a right kick out of swiping right – on this app, that is (married). The trick with this is to set yourself just three things you want to achieve every day and if nothing else gets done, no problem. We set our tasks the day before which has helped us focus on leverage – doing things that matter rather than just ‘doing things’. (In-app purchases.)


1.      REMENTE – Goal setting app

“It helps to know what you’re looking forward to.”

At Rainforest, we are big believers in setting goals and reviewing them every day. The Remente app, while we don’t love all of it, has a goal page where you can review your targets daily. It can be so easy for us to just think about the day-to-day so take just 5 minutes before you put your tech away in the evening to review what you want out of life and it will embed somewhere in your unconscious.

(Free with in-app purchases.)


1.      CALM or HEADSPACE – Meditation made easy

These two apps are the market leaders in mobile meditation. There are meditation exercises on happiness; stress; sleep and relationships. They take just 5-10 minutes a day so if you want to be one of those ‘floaty’ people that leak good vibes – start here.

(Free sessions with further in-app purchases.)

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